Transportation for Students with Special Needs

  • The Superintendent of Corporate Services has final approval for specialized transportation.
  • Requests for transportation are approved based on a student’s intellectual ability, behaviour, communication needs, mobility needs, and medical needs.
  • Special and/or alternative methods of transportation may need to be arranged to ensure the student is safely transported. All transportation drivers are informed of the student needs, and steps to follow in case of an emergency. This information is gathered collaboratively from parents and appropriate school personnel.
  • The process to determine if a student requires special transportation is collaborative involving the parent, the school Principal and the Superintendent of Corporate Services. The transportation operator is apprised of any additional training that may be necessary.
  • All transportation drivers of wheelchair vans or taxis are trained on the topics of safely securing students in the vehicle, disability awareness, emergency procedures, first aid, and in safe evacuation procedures.
  • When students are placed in programs outside of their home school, the Board provides transportation. This includes transportation for students who are attending Care and Treatment facilities (e.g., Lutherwood, KidsLink, Young Adult Program) and a Provincial or Demonstration School.
  • If permission is granted to attend a school which is not the child’s home school, the parent assumes responsibility for their child’s transportation.

Transportation is also provided to:

  • secondary students in the Community Living or ACTIVE programs who participate in community/ experiential programming
  • elementary students participating in accelerated programming at a secondary school

The Parent’s role in the provision of specialized transportation

It is the parents’ responsibility to:

  • Inform the bus/taxi company directly if transportation is not required
  • Inform the school should the transportation no longer be required
  • Request through the school any changes in schedule times or locations, etc.
  • Work collaboratively with school staff to provide information required for any documentation required